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Author: VANAS

How to Choose the Best Computer for Animation and Video Games

Choosing the best computer for animation and video games can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Whether you’re a high school student aspiring to be a professional animator or a gamer looking to create your own video games, finding the right machine is crucial. This guide will help you navigate through the essential factors to consider.

VANAS Online Animation School offers Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games programs at VANAS to launch your career.

Desktops vs Laptops

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to go with a desktop or a laptop. Desktops generally offer more power and upgradeability, making them ideal for intensive tasks like animation and gaming. Laptops, on the other hand, provide mobility, which can be a significant advantage if you need to work from different locations.


  • More powerful hardware
  • Easier to upgrade components
  • Typically more cost-effective for performance


  • Portable and convenient
  • Can work anywhere
  • Space-saving

Fixed Location vs Mobility

Think about where you’ll be doing most of your work. If you have a designated workspace at home or in an office, a desktop might be the better choice. If you need to work on the go, a laptop will be more suitable. Consider your daily routine and how often you need to move your workstation.

Regular Office:

  • Stability and constant access to power
  • Potential for a more ergonomic setup


  • Flexibility to work from various locations
  • Ideal for those who travel frequently or have limited space

Software Requirements

The software you plan to use will significantly influence your hardware needs. Animation and video game development programs like Autodesk Maya, Blender, Adobe After Effects, and Unity have specific system requirements. Visit their official websites to get the most accurate information.

Important Software:

  • Autodesk Maya
  • Blender
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine

Hardware Requirements

Once you know the software requirements, you can start looking at the hardware. Here are the critical components to focus on:

CPU (Processor):

  • Look for multi-core processors like Intel i7 or AMD Ryzen 7.
  • More cores and higher clock speeds can handle complex tasks better.

RAM (Memory):

  • At least 16GB of RAM; 32GB or more is ideal for heavy tasks.
  • More RAM allows for smoother multitasking and handling large files.


  • SSDs (Solid State Drives) are faster than traditional HDDs.
  • Consider a combination of SSD for the operating system and applications, and HDD for storage.

Graphics Card (GPU):

  • Essential for rendering animations and playing high-resolution games.
  • Look for NVIDIA GeForce RTX or AMD Radeon RX series.

Additional Hardware like Pens, Keyboards, and Other Peripherals

Peripherals can enhance your workflow and comfort. Graphics tablets like Wacom are indispensable for animators. An ergonomic keyboard and mouse can make long hours of work more comfortable. Consider investing in high-quality peripherals to improve your productivity.

Useful Peripherals:

  • Graphics tablet (e.g., Wacom)
  • Ergonomic keyboard and mouse
  • High-resolution monitor

Second Screens

A second screen can be a game-changer for animators and game developers. It allows you to multitask more efficiently, with one screen dedicated to your main work and the other for references, tools, or tutorials. Dual monitors can significantly boost your productivity.

Benefits of a Second Screen:

  • Easier multitasking
  • More screen real estate for complex tasks
  • Increased productivity

Graphic Cards

The graphics card (GPU) is one of the most crucial components for animation and gaming. A powerful GPU will enable you to render animations faster and play games at higher settings. Look for GPUs with ample VRAM (video memory) to handle demanding graphics tasks.

Top GPUs:

  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX series
  • AMD Radeon RX series

Your Budget

Budget plays a significant role in your decision. High-end machines can be expensive, but there are budget-friendly options that can still meet your needs. Prioritize essential components like CPU, GPU, and RAM, and look for deals or refurbished options if necessary.

Budget Tips:

  • Prioritize critical components
  • Look for sales and discounts
  • Consider refurbished or pre-built systems

Leasing vs Buying

Leasing a computer can be an option if you need to keep up with the latest technology without a large upfront cost. However, buying allows you to own the machine and upgrade it as needed. Weigh the pros and cons based on your financial situation and long-term needs.


  • Lower initial cost
  • Regular upgrades


  • Long-term investment
  • Ability to upgrade parts

Computer Lifespan

Computers used for animation and gaming typically have a lifespan of about 4 years before they start to feel outdated. Regular maintenance and upgrades can extend this period. Plan for future upgrades to keep your system running smoothly.

Lifespan Tips:

  • Regular maintenance
  • Plan for upgrades
  • Keep software up to date

Your Lifestyle Requirements

Finally, consider your lifestyle and personal preferences. Do you need a lightweight laptop for travel, or can you manage with a powerful desktop? Do you prefer working in a fixed location, or do you need flexibility? Your lifestyle will influence the best choice for you.

Lifestyle Considerations:

  • Travel frequency
  • Workspace setup
  • Personal preferences

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best type of computer for animation and gaming? Desktops generally offer more power and are easier to upgrade, making them ideal for intensive tasks. However, laptops provide mobility, which is useful if you need to work in different locations.

What are the essential software requirements for animation and gaming? Essential software includes Autodesk Maya, Blender, Adobe After Effects, Unity, and Unreal Engine. Check their official websites for specific system requirements.

How much RAM do I need for animation and gaming? At least 16GB of RAM is recommended, but 32GB or more is ideal for handling heavy tasks and multitasking.

Why is a graphics card important for animation and gaming? A powerful GPU is crucial for rendering animations and playing high-resolution games. Look for NVIDIA GeForce RTX or AMD Radeon RX series for optimal performance.

Should I buy or lease a computer for animation and gaming? Leasing can provide regular upgrades and lower initial costs, while buying allows you to own and upgrade the machine as needed. Consider your financial situation and long-term needs.

Key Takeaways

  1. Desktops offer more power and upgradeability, while laptops provide mobility.
  2. Consider your workspace and whether you need a regular office setup or mobility.
  3. Check software requirements for animation and gaming on their official websites.
  4. Focus on essential hardware like CPU, RAM, storage, and graphics cards.
  5. Invest in additional hardware like graphics tablets and ergonomic peripherals.
  6. A second screen can significantly boost productivity.
  7. Budget wisely, prioritize critical components, and consider refurbished options.
  8. Leasing offers lower initial costs and regular upgrades, while buying allows for ownership and upgrades.
  9. Computers for animation and gaming typically last about 4 years with proper maintenance.
  10. Your lifestyle and personal preferences will influence the best choice for you.

Choosing the right computer for animation and video games involves considering various factors, from hardware and software requirements to budget and lifestyle needs. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can find a machine that meets your needs and supports your creative endeavors.

Technology is the tool, creativity is the skill. Choose a computer that empowers your creativity and enhances your skills.

Whether you decide on a desktop or a laptop, the key is to ensure that your computer can handle the demands of animation and gaming. By making an informed decision, you can set yourself up for success and focus on what you love – creating amazing animations and immersive video games.

VANAS Online Animation School offers Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games programs at VANAS to launch your career.