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my image Image: Andy Bartlett speaks at the VANAS Conference

Author: VANAS

How Students' Learning Habits Evolved Over the Past 40 Years

The animation industry, much like other fields, has witnessed a tremendous evolution over the past four decades. As an instructor at VANAS with a rich history in the animation industry, I’ve observed firsthand how learning habits and educational approaches have transformed. This article explores these changes, highlighting key areas where student learning habits have evolved, and offering insights on how current and prospective students can navigate this dynamic landscape.

This article is inspired by a presentation from the VANAS conference and aims to provide insights into how learning habits in animation have evolved over the past 40 years.

1. The Role of Technology in Student Motivation

Technological Advancements and Education

Over the last 40 years, the pace of technological change has been nothing short of breathtaking. From early digital animation tools to today’s sophisticated software, technology’s impact on education has been profound. However, this rapid advancement comes with its own set of challenges. Technological education can quickly become obsolete, necessitating continuous learning to stay current.

Advice for Students:

  • Learn How to Learn Efficiently: With technology evolving rapidly, students must master the art of self-directed learning. Embrace the habit of continuously updating your skills.
  • Avoid Falling in Love with Technology: Technology is a tool, not an end in itself. Focus on mastering fundamental principles rather than becoming overly attached to specific programs.
  • Seize New Technologies: Stay open to experimenting with emerging tools and techniques, as they can provide significant advantages in your work.

2. Navigating Distractions in the Digital Age

The Impact of Digital Distractions

The proliferation of digital devices, social media, and games has introduced new challenges for students. These distractions can significantly impact focus and productivity, making it essential for students to manage their time and attention effectively.

Advice for Students:

  • Be Selective with Content Consumption: Choose your distractions wisely. Ensure that your activities align with your long-term goals.
  • Cultivate Concentration: Learn to immerse yourself in tasks fully. Deep focus can lead to more significant achievements than superficial efforts.
  • Commit to Excellence: Approach all tasks with dedication and avoid doing things half-heartedly.

3. Expanding Storytelling Outlets

Diverse Platforms for Storytelling

Today’s creators have access to an array of storytelling platforms beyond traditional movies and TV. The rise of digital media, social platforms, and interactive content offers new avenues for storytelling.

Advice for Students:

  • Broaden Your Viewing and Reading Habits: Exposure to various forms of storytelling can enhance your narrative skills and creativity.
  • Adapt to Changing Media: Embrace new media formats and storytelling techniques to stay relevant and innovative.

4. Increased Competition in the Animation Industry

The Growing Number of Animation Professionals

The animation field has seen an explosion in the number of trained artists, leading to increased competition. To stand out, students must work harder and think creatively about their career paths.

Advice for Students:

  • Be Creative in Job Search and Presentation: Develop unique ways to showcase your work and find opportunities. Tailor your approach to stand out in a crowded field.
  • Focus on Personal Growth: Compare yourself to where you were yesterday, not to others. Personal progress is more important than direct competition.
  • Handle Rejection Gracefully: Rejection is a part of the industry. Don’t take it personally; instead, use it as a learning experience.

5. The Availability of Learning Resources

Access to Online Resources

The internet has democratized access to learning materials. Tutorials, podcasts, and online courses are now readily available, making it easier for students to learn new skills.

Advice for Students:

  • Use Resources Wisely: Take advantage of the wealth of information available online, but be selective about the sources you trust.
  • Explore Broadly: Engage with a range of topics and interests to foster a well-rounded skill set.

6. Evolution of Educational Materials and Methods

Changes in Course Structure and Content

The organization, length, and content of animation courses have undergone significant changes. Modern courses often emphasize practical experience and adaptability over theoretical knowledge alone.

Advice for Students:

  • Seek Practical Experience: Look for programs that offer hands-on projects and real-world experience. Completing a project from start to finish provides invaluable learning.
  • Adapt to New Educational Formats: Embrace the evolving nature of education. Stay flexible and open to new learning methods and materials.

7. The Growth of the Animation Industry

New Opportunities in Animation

The animation industry has expanded dramatically, offering a wide range of career paths and specializations. This growth has also led to an increase in educational opportunities tailored to various aspects of animation.

Advice for Students:

  • Pursue a Broad Foundation: Start with a generalist education in animation. You can specialize later as you discover your particular interests and strengths.
  • Stay Curious and Set Goals: Maintain a curious mindset and set specific goals for your career development. Break large tasks into manageable milestones.

Advice for Students and Alumni

  1. Passion and Engagement: Love what you do and engage deeply with your learning process. The more effort you put in, the more you will gain.
  2. Hands-On Learning: Much of your learning will come from practical experience. Apply your skills in real-world projects whenever possible.
  3. Networking: Building connections with peers and industry professionals can significantly impact your career opportunities.
  4. Strong Foundations: A solid understanding of fundamental principles is crucial. Don’t confuse your skills with the tools you use.
  5. Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt to new technologies and methods as they emerge.

Advice for Instructors

  1. Encourage Creativity: Foster an environment where students are encouraged to find creative solutions and think outside the box.
  2. Focus on Fundamentals: While technology changes, the basics of animation remain constant. Ensure students have a strong foundation.
  3. Teach Adaptability: Equip students with the skills to adapt to new technologies rather than focusing solely on specific tools.
  4. Provide Tangible Objectives: Offer students clear, achievable goals, such as completing a project from start to finish, to give them practical experience.

Final Thoughts

The landscape of animation education has evolved dramatically over the past 40 years. By understanding these changes and adapting to new trends and challenges, students and educators can better navigate the ever-changing world of animation. Embrace the journey of learning, stay curious, and continue to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

If you’re considering a career in animation, or if you’re already on that path, remember that success comes from a combination of passion, hard work, and adaptability. At VANAS, we offer a range of programs in Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games to help you launch your career. Visit VANAS to explore our offerings and take the next step in your animation journey.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments about this article. Your feedback is always appreciated!