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Author: VANAS

The Benefits of Playing Video Games

Table of Contents

  1. Am I Wasting Time Playing Video Games?
  2. Video Games: A Reflection of Life
  3. Video Games Help Brain Connections
  4. The Long Duration of Some Video Games
  5. Average Hours Spent Playing Video Games
  6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Video Games
  7. Playing Sports Video Games vs. Playing Real Sports
  8. Frequently Asked Questions

Imagine Casey, a high school junior, coming home after a long day of classes and sports practice. He drops his backpack, grabs a snack, and heads to his room. For Casey, this is his moment to unwind and dive into another world—a world where he can be a hero, solve complex puzzles, or compete in thrilling sports tournaments. This world is found in video games. But as Casey picks up his controller, he can't help but wonder, "Am I wasting my time playing video games?" This question, common among many students like Casey, is worth exploring.

Am I Wasting Time Playing Video Games?

Yes and no. The answer depends on how and why you play. Here are some reasons why playing video games can be both beneficial and potentially time-wasting.

Reasons Why It Might Be Wasting Time:

  • Excessive Playing: Spending too much time on video games can lead to neglect of responsibilities, such as homework, chores, or social interactions.
  • Escapism: Sometimes, video games can be a way to avoid real-life problems or challenges, which can be detrimental if not managed properly.

Reasons Why It’s Not Wasting Time:

  • Skill Development: Video games can improve hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Social Interaction: Multiplayer games provide opportunities to connect with friends and make new ones, fostering a sense of community.
  • Stress Relief: For many, video games are a way to relax and decompress after a stressful day, much like reading a book or watching a movie.

Remember, balance is key. Just as too much of anything can be harmful, excessive gaming without moderation can be problematic. However, when balanced with other activities, video games can be a valuable and enjoyable part of life.

Video Games are a Reflection of Life

Video games often mirror real-life situations, offering players a chance to explore and understand various aspects of life through a digital lens.

Reasons Why Video Games Reflect Life:

  • Decision-Making: Many games require players to make choices that affect the outcome of the game, similar to real-life decisions.
  • Teamwork: Games like "Overwatch" or "Fortnite" emphasize the importance of working with others to achieve a common goal, much like group projects or team sports.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Video games often present obstacles that require perseverance and creativity to overcome, mirroring the challenges we face in daily life.

Take Casey, for example. He enjoys playing "The Sims," a game that simulates everyday life. Through this game, Casey learns about time management, financial planning, and the consequences of his actions, all while having fun.

Video Games can Help with Brain Connections

Research has shown that playing video games can positively impact brain function and cognitive abilities.

Reasons Why Video Games Help Brain Connections:

  • Cognitive Flexibility: Games that require players to switch tasks or strategies, like "Starcraft," can improve cognitive flexibility and adaptability.
  • Memory Improvement: Puzzle and strategy games, such as "Portal" or "Civilization," can enhance memory and spatial navigation skills.
  • Attention and Focus: Action games, like "Call of Duty," can improve attention to detail and the ability to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously.

For Casey, playing "Portal" not only entertains him but also sharpens his problem-solving skills and enhances his ability to think outside the box.

The Long Duration of Some Video Games

Some video games, especially role-playing games (RPGs), require a significant time investment to complete.

Examples of Long-Duration Games:

  • "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt": This game can take over 100 hours to complete, offering an expansive world full of quests and adventures.
  • "Final Fantasy XV": With its intricate storyline and numerous side quests, players can spend countless hours exploring this game's universe.

While the long duration of these games might seem daunting, they offer a deep and immersive experience that can be both rewarding and educational.

Average Hours Spent Playing Video Games

The average time spent playing video games varies by age group and individual preferences.


  • Teenagers: On average, teens spend about 2-3 hours a day playing video games.
  • Adults: Adults typically spend around 1-2 hours daily on gaming.

For Casey, spending a couple of hours each evening playing video games is a way to unwind and connect with friends. This amount of time, balanced with his other activities, fits well into his daily routine.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing Video Games

Like any activity, video games come with their own set of pros and cons.


  • Skill Development: Improves hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Social Interaction: Provides opportunities to connect with friends and build new relationships.
  • Stress Relief: Offers a fun and engaging way to relax and unwind.


  • Time Consumption: Can take up significant amounts of time, potentially leading to neglect of other responsibilities.
  • Physical Health: Prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to health issues if not balanced with physical exercise.
  • Addiction: There is a risk of becoming too engrossed in gaming, leading to addictive behaviors.

Casey finds that while video games are a great way to relax and have fun, he must also be mindful of how much time he spends playing to avoid negative impacts on his health and responsibilities.

Playing Sports Video Games vs. Playing Real Sports

There is often a debate about the benefits of playing sports video games compared to participating in real sports.

Playing Sports Video Games:

  • Advantages: Improves strategic thinking and knowledge of the sport, provides entertainment and relaxation, and can be played regardless of weather conditions.
  • Disadvantages: Lacks physical exercise, can lead to prolonged periods of inactivity.

Playing Real Sports:

  • Advantages: Promotes physical fitness, improves teamwork and social skills, and provides a sense of accomplishment.
  • Disadvantages: Requires time, effort, and sometimes specific weather conditions or facilities.

Casey enjoys playing both "FIFA" on his console and soccer in real life. He finds that playing "FIFA" helps him understand the game's strategies better, which he can then apply on the field.

VANAS Online Animation School offers Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games programs at VANAS to launch your career. Whether you're interested in creating the next hit game or bringing animated characters to life, VANAS provides the education and resources you need to succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is playing video games bad for your health?

  • Playing video games in moderation is not harmful and can even have cognitive and social benefits. However, excessive gaming can lead to health issues, so it's important to balance gaming with physical activity and other responsibilities.

Can video games improve my problem-solving skills?

  • Yes, many video games require strategic thinking and problem-solving, which can enhance these skills in real-life situations.

How much time should I spend playing video games each day?

  • It’s recommended to limit gaming to 1-2 hours per day to ensure a healthy balance with other activities.

Are there educational video games available?

  • Yes, there are many educational video games designed to teach subjects like math, science, and history in a fun and interactive way.

What are some good video games for developing cognitive skills?

  • Puzzle games like "Portal," strategy games like "Civilization," and action games like "Call of Duty" are known for enhancing various cognitive abilities.

Casey’s journey through the world of video games shows that, when balanced with other aspects of life, gaming can offer numerous benefits. From developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills to providing a much-needed escape from everyday stress, video games can be a valuable part of a well-rounded lifestyle.

So, the next time you pick up a controller, remember that video games are not just about entertainment—they can also be a gateway to personal growth and professional opportunities. Happy gaming!

VANAS Online Animation School offers Animation, Visual Effects, and Video Games programs at VANAS to launch your career. Dive into the exciting world of digital arts and discover where your passion for video games can take you.